Summer 2024
Founded in 2020
Thank you for visiting my blog.
My name is Noah and I live in Buffalo, New York. I play for a AAA Hockey team and I’m 15 years old.
Writing has been one of my biggest passions since I was in 3rd grade, and getting better at it day by day has been an incredible journey. Match that with a burning love for hockey, and that is why I’ve already been doing this for four years. I hope that my writing can encourage and inspire kids to strive for their dreams, and prove to them you can do anything - regardless of your age.
“When you think your tank is nearly empty, you really have 50% left. Each of us has an unimaginable supply of strength inside that appears when life is trying to kick our teeth in. KEEP GOING. “
— from the book “ Grit for Boys and Young Men. Why the most difficult challenges are so important” by: Papersalt Books
photo credit: J.Reashor